Holidays, shipping dilemma's and finally finishing off our bedroom! – Island Home Interiors
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Holidays, shipping dilemma's and finally finishing off our bedroom!

Holidays, shipping dilemma's and finally finishing off our bedroom!



Hi Everyone,

So I’m hoping we are all taking a little breather over the warmer weather and relaxing a little after what has been a tough year for everyone. I have my fingers crossed that you are. We have hired a blowup jacuzzi in the garden, in an effort to keep the teenagers happy for the first few weeks of the school holidays ( and to try and stop the daily moan of “what can I do today Mum?”). We are also playing a bit of Russian roulette with our holiday plans, having cancelled our original holiday to Devon ( as I was hoping that I would have 2 outstanding large stock deliveries arrive that week - Yippee!) for a 10 day holiday abroad which may or may not happen depending on what our mate Grant Schapps says on Thursday. We shall have to wait and see.

Wait and see… I think that has become my mantra over the past year or so, but most definitely in the last few months, especially when it comes to stock arrivals. Thanks to all of my lovely, supportive customers who have waited, and waited… and then done some more waiting - for some of their orders. To say the world has gone mad on the shipping front would be a massive understatement. Ships and the containers that they carry (carrying Island Home stock of course) have got stuck in canals, stuck in great big traffic jams off the Felixstowe coast and been redirected to other far flung European ports ( requiring more planes, trains and automobiles to then get it back to us). It's been a nightmare ! Thanks for not only your understanding and patience, but for not thinking I have completely lost my marbles when I ring or email you with these crazy reasons for delay… they do seem farcical I know.

I have however, been trying to channel all my spare creative energy into finishing off a few projects around the house. This week its been finishing off the master bedroom. I have attached a before and after photo of the room so you can see what we have done with it. As the house is Georgian we wanted to retain its Georgian grandeur , while adding a touch of Island Home to its decor. We stripped the ceiling of some of its added 1980’s fripperies, retaining the original plaster coving and ceiling rose. We also got rid of the gold leaf, painting it a beautiful chalky white RAL colour 9010. Next, we stripped the main wall of its very 1980’s pink floral wallpaper, and painted it the timeless Farrow & Ball Pavillion Grey on all the walls, and then used Farrow and Ball James White on the windows, doors and trims (which I have used throughout the house). I went with this clean, calm colour scheme in order to let the room itself do the talking (rather than the wallpaper). It’s also a bedroom, so grey is not only neutral (so it can adapt with my changing accent colour whims!) but soothing ( lets hope it brings on a good nights sleep…) I have accessorised with Island Home of course, using our Byron Rattan Wing Chair, and our Botanical Wall Art to bring in some tropical, natural elements, adding a pop of navy with chinese ceramic lamps and finishing off our bed with our Bowral Velvet Spot Bedspread to add a touch of warmth to the crisp white bedding. The bleached wood and bead chandelier is a modern nod to the chandelier that once graced this room many moons ago - it also adds a little bit of beachy drama to the room - which I love! All in all I’m really happy with how it has turned out. I have tried to combine what is my signature Island Home style, with what is a classic English room. I hope you guys like it as much as we do!

I think that’s about all that has been happening with us of late. I love getting your messages and comments on our Facebook and Instagram pages and as I have always said - I really love a nosey into how you style up your Island Home purchases too - so keep sending me your fabulous photos !

Take care all, make the most of the rest of the summer break, and speak soon ! xx

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